Christian counselors and many other mental health professionals feel they have a need to help others and be compassionate; yet it is important to remain strong in the face of the painful issues people bring when seeking help. Self-care is critical when caring for others can be overwhelming for anyone. It may be helpful for Christian counselors to follow the following principles:
- Learn how to recognize the stress areas and take ownership of what needs to be done.
- Learn how to renew the mind and walk in God's truth.
- Learn to rest.
- Learn to be silent and still.
- Learn to give daily burdens to God.
- Learn to manage time by saying no.
- Learn to incorporate a balanced life style.
- Learn value authentic relationships and find one or two key people in life to be accountable to.
Christian counseling is a high and sacred calling, yet very exhausting. They represent Christ as his ambassadors to a lost and hurting world. Christian counselor's mission is to do good for others "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith"(Gal. 6-10).
How to Become a Christian Counselor
- It is important to have a committed relationship with Christ.
- It is important to have a true compassion for others.
- Sharpen your communication skills.
- Attend a Christian college.
The National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) is a non-profit, professional
organization that trains, certifies, and licenses Christian counselors - See more at:
The NCCA requires all who are certified by its Board of Examiners to:
1. Be credentialed ministers (ordained or commissioned) whose goal is to evangelize and ease the emotional pain and suffering of humanity.
2. Provide their service under the authority of a legally organized local church, a national church organization or a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit ministry.
3. Complete specialized training provided by the NCCA.
4. Complete the minimum requirements for continuing education and annual license renewal.
5. Uphold NCCA’s Code of Ethical Standards
Liberty University
Lancaster Bible College
American Association of Christian Counselors
"Christian Counseling involves three persons...
the client, the counselor, and God"
(Clinton & Ohlschlager 2002).
the client, the counselor, and God"
(Clinton & Ohlschlager 2002).
Clinton, T. & G. Ohlschlager. (2002). Competent Christian Counseling. Waterbrook Press: Colorado.
Very comprehensive information on this whole topic, great blog...